Netflix Student Discount

Does Netflix Have A Student Discount?


Life as a student can be tough. Numerous classes to attend and having to live on a tight budget can be very stressful. There is hardly a better way to kick back and relax than to stream your favorite TV show while eating your cheap Ramen noodles. Netflix is the king of on-demand streaming and very popular with students. But one question we hear over and over is: Does Netflix have a student discount?

Well, the short answer is no! This does come as a surprise. Many companies provide discounts to students (Free Amazon Prime anyone?) to introduce them to their products or services, in the hopes of acquiring new customers early and profiting for years once their income rises.

However, the good news is: There are other popular streaming services that have very attractive student discounts.

Continue reading to find out more about these student streaming deals.

Netflix Introduction

Netflix is a video streaming service that makes use of a content delivery network to store and transmit movies and TV shows. In simple words, you can look at Netflix as a library of movies and TV shows. Basically, it allows one to watch TV shows and movies anytime, and anywhere. One can stream any movie or TV show that’s available on Netflix on one’s TV, Computer, PlayStation, Xbox, tablet, gaming console, or cell phone.

Netflix studying

A bit of a History

Once the Internet took new strides with Netflix in it, Netflix saw its days of glory too. Believe it or not, during times of peak usage, Netflix accounted for nearly one-third of the all the downstream Internet traffic in the United States. Of course, it didn’t take too long for rivals products to show up and do everything in their power to take away the lion share of the market from Netflix.

Today, Netflix does have its share of a loyal customer base, but competing products are not far behind.

Does Netflix have a Student Discount?

It hurts to sound like an angel with a filthy soul, but the fact of the matter is that a Netflix student discount doesn’t exist. But, don’t dump all your hopes yet. We do have some good news for you. So, before you badmouth us for being the messenger of the bad news, let’s introduce you to some Netflix alternatives that are worth a shot.

Yes, there are quite a few road-tested streaming services out there that offer discounts to students. So, get ready with a big bucket of popcorn as we are about to explore the Netflix alternatives with student discounts that can be considered any day of the week.

Netflix Alternatives – Streaming Services with Student Discount

1. Amazon Prime Video

Just like Netflix, Amazon Prime is a video streaming service that offers almost unlimited streaming of prime TV shows and movies. Frankly speaking, Amazon Prime has really taken the streaming service to a whole new level.

Amazon Prime Video has a humongous amount of content compared to their rivals. They have thousands of TV series and movies on their platform. Depending on the user’s home set-up, the content can be enjoyed in HD and 4k resolution as well. They have deals with many TV show providers. As a result, every update allows them to provide more content at a time than their competition.

Amazon Prime Video Student Discount

Amazon Prime Student 6 months Free Trial

As the name speaks for itself, Amazon Prime Student is a unique membership program created for all the college students out there. Under the Prime Membership, students receive a free trial for a generous period of six-months (can be canceled anytime), which includes unlimited streaming of movies, songs, and TV shows that’s available on their platform.

Plus, students can enjoy two-day free shipping on a ton of items. Better yet, students get unlimited photo storage ability and discounts on pre-orders of new video-games and other stuff.

Furthermore, students can rent and buy textbooks at lower prices than the usual rates. Students also get access to exclusive deals and coupons. It almost feels like one has access to insider information.

Hang on! Amazon Prime Student membership has a lot more to offer than what meets our eyes.

Amazon Prime 50% Off Deal and More Gains

Once the six-month trial is over, a student can enjoy the Prime membership at 50% discounted prices for up to 4 years. So, instead of paying the regular membership fees of $99/year, students will only have to fork out only $49 a year towards the membership fees. Given all the benefits and free-trial, every college student should take advantage of the Amazon Prime Student membership.

As one might expect, students must provide a “.edu” email address to verify that they are indeed a college student. In the absence of a “.edu” email address, a proof of college enrolment must be provided whenever requested by Amazon to avail all the student benefits entailed above.

Students who enjoy the membership and refer it to their friends also receive a $10 bonus for the referral. For those who don’t know, there is no limit to referral income. The more one recommends the more one can earn. It’s as simple as that.

Last but not the least, Amazon Prime student membership automatically qualifies one for eligible free scholarship money. Yes, selected winners are awarded thousands of dollars towards textbook costs and college tuition fees.

2. Hulu through Spotify Student Hulu Bundle

For music streaming, Spotify is considered to be the best out there. Basically, it allows one to share, manage, and play songs from virtually all artists, new and old. It also allows a person to create his/her own custom playlists of songs based on the music one enjoys.

Its vast music library combined with its speed and premium model really sets it apart from the crowd. It’s like having millions of songs on your iPad at any time.

Hulu, on the other hand, is almost similar to Netflix. It provides streaming of TV shows and movies. Basically, it can stream movies and TV shows directly into your device without you having to pay for them individually. Just like Netflix, they keep rolling out new content, and they are compatible with most of the modern-day devices.

So, you won’t miss Netflix in the company of Hulu.

Hulu Student Discount

What’s in Store for Students?

Not long ago, Spotify and Hulu teamed up to provide a new streaming bundle that’s exclusively geared towards college students. The streaming bundle is labeled as the “Spotify Premium for Students, with Hulu,” which allow students to use both of their premium services on a shoestring budget of $4.99 a month.

For instance, if a student is already enrolled for Spotify premium service, he/she will also have access to Hulu’s premium service. So, students will be able to save a significant amount of money by not subscribing to these sites individually.

Remember, individual monthly subscriptions to these sites can cost almost four times of the current discounted deal for students. Basically, students get to enjoy the best of both worlds at one low-end price-point.

Slow Streams or Buffering?

Are your streams loading too slow? Getting constant buffering? Not able to stream at full resolution? Check out these tips to improve your streaming experience:
  • Use a modern Router that has advanced features like QoS to prioritize video content. Check out our recommended Routers for Streaming.
  • If you are using a Wifi connection, be sure to check out our 9 easy steps to improve your Wifi for Streaming.
  • Some Internet Service Providers throttle video streaming traffic without telling their customers. A VPN encrypts all your traffic and circumvents throttling, blocking and geographical restrictions.

Overall, it’s a sweet streaming deal for students, covering all your entertainment needs.


HBO NOW is a standalone TV streaming service that comes with a solid line-up of TV shows, documentaries, and movies. You get to enjoy every episode of every season of HBO’s original series along with the latest and biggest hit movies without the need of a traditional TV subscription. As one might already know, HBO features some of the best shows on television.

Getting all the past and present TV shows at your fingertips along with all current movies make HBO NOW a popular TV streaming platform. Some of the best movies and TV shows can be enjoyed on the HBO Now platform.

HBO Now Student Discount

HBO NOW Student Discount

If you are a student, HBO NOW will be available to you at a significant discount. Typically, they charge 14.99 every month towards the subscription fees, but students won’t have to shave off the full amount.

Students will only have to pay $9.99 a month with no fixed contract or termination fees attached to it. So, that’s a total discount of $5 a month. It’s purely pay-on-the-go streaming service that can be canceled anytime. To qualify, students must be enrolled in at least one college class at a Title IV degree offering institute. Of course, one must be able to confirm their student status as well to enjoy the low subscription prices.

Free for 30-days

Wait, there’s more. How about testing the service before spending a solitary penny from your wallet? Well, this is possible with HBO NOW service. First-time-users are offered a 30-day free trial to test the service.

For those who are not happy and want to discontinue, keep in mind that users are automatically billed for the following month if the subscription is not canceled within 29 days. For those who wish to continue can respond to the renewal-prompt message.

As hinted before, it works like this. After the free trial of 30-days is over, students can continue with the HBO NOW subscription for $9.99 a month and save a good five bucks every month. Better yet, a student would be able to watch all the shows and movies on just about every modern device out there, be it Apple TV, Roku sticks, Xbox, computer, iPhone, tablet, smart TVs, and more.


There is no way that most of the students out there can afford to pay top dollars for a Netflix subscription since there are no student discounts available. It’s like Netflix wanting to say that we want to have all the money you have.

Following pleas from students, we choose to explode past the boundaries of our job to present to you some of the best Netflix alternatives out there that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. So, feel free to give a shot at any of the TV streaming service listed above that’s right for you to enjoy hot and original TV shows/movies without destroying your piggy bank.

Our view is, Amazon Prime offers the best bang for your buck. You get 6 months free trial of Amazon Prime, giving you access to all the cool perks that come with it. And, once you are hooked, you can continue your Prime subscription at a significantly reduced price.

Last update on 2025-03-25 at 11:35 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

About the Author Edwin

Edwin "The Streaming Dutchman" has been streaming IPTV and grabbing the latest media from torrents and Usenet for countless years. When he isn't streaming (or writing about it), he enjoys cooking and traveling.

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